Is thumbtack real​?

Has anyone here tried thumbtack? Is the web real or a scam?
While I was looking for a home local service, thumbtack came up. The service was pretty convincing, but I was still skeptical about that.

home service thumbtack services

Useful for 1 shoppers + 3 replies

No need to doubt the thumbtack service. They're help me a lot for house cleaning, as I always busy outside and don't have much time to clean my house. The service is great and worth the money, actually. Just try it!

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Why are you still having doubts about this? It's clear that Thumbtack is a trusted platform that offers 5 stars home services. This app even has been reviewed by more than 350k users on the App Store.

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YES YES YES.... Thumbtack is a trusted platform you can try. Their services are excellent. I've tried the home cleaning service twice, very satisfied. And I don't have any word to complain about.

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